We have online booking and purchasing, including gift cards, for your convenience!
Text (quickest response time): (253) 905-5301
Call: (253) 905-5301
Whatsapp (can also sign up for Whatsup text updates): (253) 905-5301
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: Studio6Ballroom , Studio6BallroomWeddings , DancesportWorldTravel
-> Sign up for email updates or create a free dance account online for updates!
We do get a high volume of calls and are often in appointments making text the quickest to reach us as well as our online booking system.
We are a by-appointment venue.
Appointments must be made ahead to guarentee availability of class space, instructor, or tour guide.
We have a self service booking site to assist in requesting appointment times, registering for classes, booking event hall tours, and making purchases including gift cards – click here. We are also available via text (253) 905-5301, email, or call.
Phone (text preferred or call) assistance is available Wednesday-Friday 2-10pm+ and Saturday’s noon-5pm+.
Sign up for email updates or create a free dance account online for updates!
We moved! You may know our original location of over 12 years, 2608 6th Ave, Tacoma. Unfortunately, we had to vacate due to toxic mold.
Our location:
- 2310 A st, Tacoma
close to I5 & Pacific Ave
Check out El Gaucho, Berliner Beerhall, and more! - Dances at Soulberry Speakeasy (Tacoma), Locust Cider (Gig Harbor), McDuffs (Tacoma), Edison Square (Tacoma)
- Friendly reminder we are by-appointment only unless noted as a drop-in event and location in the description in our online booking program.

Our original location of over 12 years:
2608 6th Ave, Tacoma (pictured here)
3 dance rooms!
Unfortunately, we discovered the toxic mold & other toxins in the building that were dangerous to everyone’s health, especially our owner/Master Coach, and had to vacate and move to a new healthier location for all.