Quarantine Classes

Live Feed Interactive Online Classes

While Studio 6 is closed during this social distancing time, you do have access to our Master Coach for unique workshops and private coaching to not only assist you in maintaining your dancing but to help you make a substantial leap forward! From the safety of your home, you will be able to interact, ask questions, and receive critiques.

April workshops begin on the 9th!

Check on Mindbody for exact days & times

Studio 6 is currently closed due to social distancing but you can still join a Dance Workout or Master Coach Workshop led by our Master Coach! These are live feed interactive online lessons formatted for no-partner-needed. It is extremely important during this time to do all you can to stay healthy – keep your blood circulating, your lungs in good shape, and your muscles active. The focus for the month of April is on sound technique, body movement fundamentals, and impactful drills. We’re excited for this opportunity to hit subjects that often get missed in the normally packed schedule! Coach has a goal for you to make a leap forward in your dancing this month! Are you ready to team up with her on that?!

Register online for individual workshops of your choosing or purchase the month pass for access to all of the classes & videos (helpful if you can’t make the scheduled time!) – helping yourself & your dance home at the same time! Note: The individual rate is Corona discounted from the normal Master Coach Workshop rate (reg $25+) and the month pass is well beyond a $600 value. Month pass Corona special is $199/person or $265/person with 1 private coaching credit. The private coaching credit will remain in your dance account until you decide to use it. Our regular price for the monthly membership with 1 private credit – for regular classes – not specialty workshops like these – is $299.

You will receive via emailed, class links & passwords for the classes that you have registered individually for or all classes if you have purchased a monthly pass. Stretching warm-up will begin 15 minutes before the first class of the day so be sure to sign in early – perfect opportunity to get in the habit now!

Thank you for helping us help you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and team-up to help keep dancing in Tacoma going for all.

Ballroom Basics

Saturdays 12:15p (warm-up 12p)

We’re happy to continue our Ballroom Basics class for the beginners out there as well as you smart ones looking back at your foundation moves to improve upon them! No partner needed to partake in this class. Sign in at 12p to join the warm-up/stretch!
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“Basics” don’t always mean simple


“Basics” are our foundation movements that can be easy patterns to begin your ability to dance or attend a social dance. They are also the foundation movements upon which we add layers of technique because, in theory, at that point you should be able to execute that “basic” in your sleep allowing all of your focus to be on the new technique. Eventually, those “basics” then become anything but basic!
Also note, without understanding of your foundation movements, any variation or combination will be much more challenging to learn!
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3 Elements


The “3 Elements of Dance” is like the key to a map. Once you understand the 3 elements and their subcategories, any move you learn will become much easier to break down and learn!
Practice what they look like in different styles of dance.
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Dynamic vs Stagnant Alignment & Posture


Understand how to set up your alignment and posture from the correct areas of the body vs the areas most people are taught to focus on. This also allows you to easily have good posture without holding tension causing fatigue and discomfort. This aids in avoiding injury, creates ease in dance movement, aids in dance partner physical communication, helps your dance styling, aids in balance, physical & mental wellness, and more! Dancing is the flow of energy, not holding tension in one’s body.
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Arm Styling


Frequently mistaught, learn the correct flow of arm styling and how to create more of a masculine or feminine look. Arm styling is actually the finishing movement, or flow of energy from the core outward, of a body action but is often mistaught from the opposite source resulting in a contrived look, stiff dancing, creating injury to neighboring dancers, negatively effecting balance, among other things….and definitely not a sexy or strong look.
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Latin Styling for Follows


Styling actually comes from the ground up in your understanding of the movement of the dance that then creates the look of styling. Understanding your connection to the floor, your movement from your core outwards, and the continuation of energy flow from your core flowing out your fingers and toes is what makes true styling vs posed attempts at copying styling one has watched another do. Musicality is also something that creates styling. A styling class done properly & correctly, from the correct vs incorrect sources, often surprises people – not the content they think they’re going to get as most people see the result, not the source, of the action and think that the resulting action is where the focus and training will be.
I request that you first take my workshops that are focused on connection with floor, dynamic alignment & posture, and the 3 points of resistance so that in this workshops we can focus on the finishing flow – the parts of styling you see but don’t realize is actually the last part of the action.
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The Importance of Knees & Elbows


The 2nd most important areas in the body for dance!
Better quality body movement, the helpful “mechanics” of a dance, help you curve a step correctly without injury and miscommunication with your partner, helpful with spins & turns, create better/sexier and more organic arm styling, aids in character of a dance, and more! Understand the part elbows play in leading turns – often a misunderstood and mistaught technique.
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3D vs 2D Dancing


Think of the difference between a 2D movie and a 3D movie! Take your dancing to the next level whether it’s social, competitive, or performance dancing!
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Animal Characteristics


There are animals of many colors, characters, movements, energies, gracefulness, groundedness, patterns, actions, and more! Use these visualizations to help you understand techniques of movement in a dance and enhance your social dance or performance – movement, grounding or floating, colorfulness, power & prowess,…
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Body Isolation, Ripples, and Rolls


Begin with rib cage isolation’s and add from there! Develop your Ripple & Roll ability to add to all of your dancing….Ripples & Rolls are fabulous for your styling growth!
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Cha Cha Locks


Nail those Cha Cha locks! Locks are a fun way to upgrade your forward and back movement in this playful flirtatious dance. Start with my drill for lock movement/mechanics then add layers of detail and isolation to enhance your movement. Having sound mechanical flow and technique in your locks allows you to move with ease to any speed of Cha Cha! Do your reps on this drill to get it in your muscle memory so that your focus while dancing can be on your partner and the fun music!
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Energy, Intent, and Character


Movement happens as a result of energy. Energy represents the qualities of movement. It’s because of energy that a dance can have so many nuances. It can be soft, strong, sharp, powerful, or rich. Energy, Intent, and Character can all shape the look and feel of a dance dramatically. What would you like to portray in a particular dance style, to a particular song, in a particular performance?
Energy & Intent also help you demonstrate different movements, like the difference between walking in one direction and a rock step, and communicate your lead to a follow as well as the follow’s effect on a lead.
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Dance musicality is how dancers hear, interpret, and dance to music. Dancers can demonstrate dance musicality in several ways – which sounds they choose to dance to, how they highlight the sounds, how they emote the mood of the song.
Avoid monotonous dance… Learn to use energy and intent. Understand “light & shade” and crescendos & decrescendos.
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Dance Legs – Stretches & Exercises


Stretch and train your dance legs for different styles of dance!
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Foot Placement, Usage, and Articulation


How does foot placement and articulation work in different dances? Did you know that your foot placement aides in the movement you are trying to create and the character of the dance produced? Having correct food placement avoids unnecessary pains or injury and keeps you safe. It also effects styling!
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The Benefit of Rumba Walks


There are many benefits to sound Rumba walks and they don’t just apply to Rumba! Learn how to make your walks stable and sexy. Learn how they help you walk confidently out of spins, connect to the floor – your #1 partner, and more!

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Shines (Salsa & more)


“Shines” are a fun way to add variety to your Salsa and other dances.
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Solo Movements to apply to various dances


Several dances give opportunity to add in solo movements whether you are connected or not connected to a partner. Not only fun movements to apply to solo moments but also can be used as partnered movements, performance routines, and as aides to expanding your body movement ability!
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Spins & Turns


Easy exercises to make those spins & turns reliable and lower dizziness! Understanding how spins & turns function with correct technique not only effects your ability to turn but also your ability to partner, lead/follow, create more styling, and control a turn when needed (when momentum runs out, when a dancer is coming your way, to avoid running into or stepping on your partner or a neighboring dancer – not getting stabbed by a heel is much appreciated!).
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Swing vs Sway


Do you know the difference between Swing and Sway? Both can be used in a variety of dances as part of their base mechanics, to show character movement of the dance, or to create styling, demonstrate intention, or assist in telling a story.
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Technique Drills for Smooth Category Dances


Understanding how to walk and foundation movement characteristics in each dance helps not only build a strong foundation of which to create upon but also the look & character of the dance. Use these techniques for ease in basic social dancing, advanced social dancing, competitive & performance dancing, as well as the incredible feel of floating down the dance floor that develops after practicing these drills consistantly.
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Styling for Smooth Dances


How to make your Smooth Dances (Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz) look more full and dynamic!
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Partner Connection


Take your dancing to a MUCH higher ability & level with this simple drill. This drill opens up a whole new world for your dancing! Imagine connecting with a partner on a deeper level creating a much better ability to communicate (lead/follow)! Imagine improving your body movement and balance at the same time! It’s at least a 3 for 1! And, of course, this also effects your ability to dance on time with the music!
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The Floor – Your most important partner & how to connect to it


Did you know?! If you are not connected with the floor, you do not have your best balance nor your best and fullest styling! These factors then effect your ability to connect/communicate with a partner and be able to lead or follow! How many of you thought it was a “good” or more advanced dance partner? If that is the case, you are being a “co-dependant dance partner” – that means, you are unfairly depending your balance and happiness on your dance partner(s) instead of bringing your part of the joy to the partnership. Side note, this is never a good idea in life relationships either 😉
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Undestanding Balance, Posture, & Dance Poise


Highly mistaught and misunderstood dance poise and how proper posture (also often misunderstood) and understanding of balance effects it. Knowing which dance poise positions apply to each dance, or different moments in dances, creates ease in movement, character of the dance, ability to dance to the tempo/speed of the song. This class will also help you understand the easily misunderstandood pointing of the foot.
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Music Bingo


What music should I practice to? When a song comes on, what style dance do I dance to it? How do I figure out what other people are dancing to the song? Bring examples to class for help!
You will also learn my dance exercise for songs that work with multiple dances.
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Fake a Dance


Learn tricks to fake a dance you do not yet know!
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How to break down a sequence


Learn the tricks to breaking down fun sequences you come across!
With these techniques, it takes me mere seconds to breakdown and understand a sequence….and then allows me to improve upon it or create more variations!
Feel free to bring examples to break down in class.
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Begin with stretching to prevent injury and kick up energy. Follow along dance movements from various dances for practice, strengthening, and exercise to fun music! It’s more important than ever to keep yourself healthy, keep your blood circulating, strengthen your lungs, activate your muscles, and find opportunities for movement for both health & energy!
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Discussion: What do I do if?


Discussion on how to respond to different social dance situations that can arise. This has always been an incredibly fun and helpful conversation!
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Competition Q&A


Ever had questions about competition? Curious about it? There are many different personal reasons why people sign up for competitions…
– TO SET GOALS. Goals help us achieve growth. Without them, it’s easy to get discouraged or lose your focus and drift from from even something that you love that is life changing & improving. In learning, there are moments of great leaps in growth as well as moments that don’t feel like much growth at all in comparison….goals help with this! Plus, a competition that includes dressing up, traveling, hanging out with friends to fabulous music and a room buzzing full of positive energy is way more fun than taking a test!
– TO DRESS UP & ESCAPE YOUR DAILY. Fun way to step out of your daily norm into a whole new world! Some even enjoy creating an alter ego!
– SOCIALIZE & BE PART OF A TEAM. Traveling with a team is such a fun, bonding, and energizing thing to do! If you haven’t been part of a team before (any sports team), you must see what you’ve been missing! Whether you join as part of a performing team, you dance with your instructor or amateur partner, or even join as a spectator/support, the entire traveling group from your studio or coach is your team.
– TO TRAVEL. Fabulous excuse to travel without all the hard and extremely time consuming work of coordinating it yourself. See amazing sites, enjoy fun activities and incredible food, meet people from around the world, and see an amazing range of dancing!
– TO PERFORM. Some love having an outlet to perform and competition events are an easy format to do that in.
– TO COMPETE. Some of us grew up playing sports and miss it! “DanceSport” is a fabulous all ages outlet to satisfy that sport and competitive side of yourself!
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2608 – 6th Ave
Tacoma, WA 98406
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We are a by appointment venue.
Most appointments are booked
Tues-Sat noon-11p.

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(253) 905-5301 (text best)
[email protected]
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